Over and Out

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Over and Out
O dear - no!

A bit of history
Most radio or wireless communications terms stem from the dawn of the technology when things were done manually. An operator didn't have a push to talk switch on a microphone; come to that a Morse radio operator or wireless telegraphy operator would have only a Morse key, sending Dits & Dahs, never Dots & Dashes.

Changing over and standing by
You cannot be over and out! The origins of the two terms come from they method of operating early radio systems. At the end of a transmission you changed over. That meant disconnecting the transmitter HT supply and connecting the receiver HT supply and transferring the antenna to the receiver, a long drawn out process. Doing this you were changing over and standing by to receive.

Early transmitters had thermionic valves. In order for them to work a valves had a heaters fed from a low voltage supply. When on you could usually see the heater or filament glowing hot. Guess what, when you turned the supply off the filament went out, correct that is out. Put simply out means I am turning the power to my station off and the valves are going out.

Over and out
You cannot be over and out. Over means you are in a situation to receive or you are waiting for a signal.
Out means you have switched off, off means off, so you cannot receive. No you cannot be over and out!
Leave the expression for the movies television & those who know no better.

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